June 16, 2025 12:00 AM


Jun 18, 2025 3:00 PM

22nd Annual Jim McLamore Golf Invitational

22nd Annual Jim McLamore Golf Invitational

The 22nd Annual Jim McLamore Golf Invitational (JMGI) which spans over three days from June 16-18 in New Jersey and was created to honor the legacy of our co-founder, Jim McLamore, who believed in the power of education and the important role it plays in a successful future. This intimate and exclusive event features two full days of golfing at Galloway National Golf Course or a relaxing spa day at the Ocean Casino Resort, two signature dinners, a premium gift bag, and networking opportunities for our Burger King franchisees, leadership and friends. The proceeds of JMGI directly benefits the Burger King Scholars Program.


Monday, June 16th - Cocktail reception at 6:00 PM followed by a steak dinner at Ocean Steak at 7:00 PM.

Tuesday, June 17th - Brunch at Galloway National at 10:30 AM followed by a shotgun start at 12:30 PM. Dinner and awards following golf. *Spa Day available for those who don’t wish to play golf.

Wednesday, June 18th - Breakfast at 7:00 AM followed by a Shotgun start is at 8:30 AM. Following lunch and an awards ceremony. The day will be wrapping up around 2 PM.

Note: If golf club rentals are needed please pre purchase to reserve your golf clubs.

For additional information and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Carlye Cowheard at ccowheard@rbi.com

Wine Sponsor

Cheese Sponsor

Presented by







Dinner Party Partner

Relax & Celebrate Partner

Tournament Beverage Cart Partner

Luxury Golf Item Partner

Golf Meals Partner

Hole Partner

Skills Competition Partner

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