Each year, the Foundation holds signature in-restaurant fundraising campaigns to continue supporting our programs. Thanks to the generosity of our customers and the efforts of franchisee owners who motivate their employees, over $5.6 million was raised in 2024 through round-up, donation boxes and a coupon campaign across the U.S and Canada.
Adam Velarde | Carrols LLC | Daniel B. Fitzpatrick |Gary K. Moore | Ghai Management | Harold Wayne Burke | Kevin Fernandez | Luke Pisors |Sanjay Patel | Shoukat Dhanani | Thomas A. Garrett | Thomas M Scott
BK Company | Christopher Johnson | Emily Bennett | JSC Management | Kevin R. Newell | Steven M. Keith | Thomas McDonald
Arthur S. Renuart | Christine Apold | Craig J. Timoney Jr. | Daniel M. Drury/Jordan Drury | Eric Weissman | Evan Wray | Gene A. Welsh Jr. | Glenn Levins | Greg Darby | Jay Della Monica | Jeffrey P. Mc Collum | Kevin Egnatuk | Kuljeet Singh | Larry W. Kohler | Michael C. Laird | Salim Janmohamed | Stephen G. Miller | William N. Janikies
Abbott & Avard, LLC | Aliabadi | Annette Broatch | Antonio J. Vierci | Diane L. Clayton | Dominic A. Flis | Gary Andrzejewski | Gary Geiger | Gary M. Edwards | Hugh E. Bigham Jr. | Joel Aaseby | John J. Froccaro | Justin White | Kevin B. Camp/Gene B. Camp | Kevin J. Haas | Lawrence McAninch | Merritt C. Fore III | Michael J. Gould | Michael Mulcahy | Mukesh Dharod | PEC Management | Paul C. Scordia | Richard A. Santowski | Robert H. Reid | Robert L. Smith | Robespierre St. Juste | Sanjay Lillaney | Shennen S.C. Saltzman | Stanley J. Paulauskas | Stephen I. Morris | William B Jones | Zubair M. Kazi
Aaron Smith | Albert Bijou | Alex Gouzoun | Anthony E. Lehmann | Anthony J. Versaci | Anthony Josephson | Anwar A. Dossani | Ayaz Virji | Bonnie Puneet Hemrajani | Bradley M. Hoag | Bruce Pavlikowski | Carlton R. Payton Jr. | Christopher Tokaz | Clifford E Bullard Jr. | Dalsher Nagra | David A. Laslow | David H. Pauly | Dawn M. Force | Dennis Shane Hitzeman/Dennis W. Hitzeman | Eugene E. Brooks | Fazil Malik | Feroz Panjwani | Francesco Balli | Gary Giangrande | Gary L. Tiedeman | Hansa Chhaddva | Harvinder Singh | Herbert Hakimianpour | J. K. Johnson | Jacob Brummel |James J. Froio | Jason Froccaro | Javaid Syed | Jeffrey Lichtman | Joe Barrett | Joel Robert Bagby | John Jr. Barto | John R Pastor | Joseph Neubauer/Joseph R. Neubauer | Joshua M Herndon | Keith A. Wright | Kenneth Donahue | Ketan Pandya | Kim Zeller | Lawrence D. Stokes II | Marianela Aran | Mark Shayne Merrick | Maruti Seth | Maureen Marie Gathagan | Mehboob Amirali Sutaria | Michael De La Rosa | Michael V. Clayton | Mike Knoop | Muljibhai M Chaudhari | Neeraj Paul | Patti C. Martin | Paul Hendifar | Perry T. Beaton | Randy Pianin | Rex R. Johnson | Richard Lee Bartlett Jr. | Richard P. Mike | Richard Ronald | Richard W. Conley | Shirley Humerian | Simrat Aulakh | Stephen W. Dankert |Steve C. Wang |Syed K. Shere | Terry C. Clark | Terry Davis | Theodore J. Nunamaker | Thomas D. Barnett | Thomas E. Brennan | Timothy Foley | Vance Rossell | William J. Armstrong | William Lincoln Spoor |Yaseen Rowzani
The Burger King Foundation’s 1954 Legacy Society encompasses philanthropic individuals and companies whose passion is empowering potential by making a lasting impact. With an investment of $25,000, these legacy supporters are impacting tomorrow’s scholars and lighting the way for future generations.
Anonymous Donor *1 | Anthony J. Versaci, Michigan Multi King | Brian Elliot, Sharron Fry, Redberry Restaurants | Dan Accordino, Carrols Corporation | Daniel B. Fitzpatrick, Quality Dining, Inc. | Dave Harper, Meridian Restaurants | Emily Bennett, Bennett Management | Glenn Levins, Phoenix Organization | Jim Froio, Froio Management | Joel Niekirk | Julian Josephson | Kimberly Hughes, Matt Wilson, 500 Degrees | Kraft Heinz | Matthew Carpenter, Celebration Regional Association | Members of Former Growth Committee | OSI Group, LLC | Patrick Sidhu | Patti C. Martin, Martin Family Endowment | Stanley Smiedt | Steven M. Lewis Family Foundation | Steven M. Lewis, US Restaurants, Inc. | Thomas McDonald, Glencoe Management | Todd A. Schuster, Schuster Enterprises, Inc.
In Honor of Christy Williams | In Honor of George Hoffman | In Honor of Heitor Goncalves | In Honor of James L. Drury | In Honor of James M. Haas | In Honor of Jeneya Russo | In Honor of Jim Meyers | In Honor of Kathy Caputo | In Honor of Martin Schuster | In Honor of Nancy McLamore | In Honor of Robert G. Bennett | In Honor of Rod Martin | In Honor of Steve M. Lewis
Last year, the Foundation secured a record amount of support from our system vendors, employees, in-kind supporters and franchisees through our special events. In 2023 alone, over $2 million was raised from sponsorships and live and silent auction items was supported further by record-breaking attendance that directly benefitted the Foundation.
500 Degrees | Accenture | ACP | Ambrosia | Auxilior Capital Partners | Barclays | Bill Keller | Bimbo QSR | Blackrock | Braze | Burger King | Burgers of Baltimore | Cargill | Carrols | Coca-Cola | Coca-Cola Canada | CraftMark Bakery | Crown Bakeries | Dhanani Group/ Tri City Foods | Dr. Pepper | Ecolab | Ernst & Young | Fifth Third Bank | Flowers Bakeries | Franke | GDK Development | Glencoe | Halo | Hersheys | Hourwork | Impossible | Kelley Drye & Warren LLP | KPMG | Kraft Heinz | Larkin Hoffman | The McLamore Family Foundation | Merkle/Dentsu | Miami Herald | Mike Diseveria | NFA/Elevanta | Northern Trust | OKRP | OSI | Pecan Deluxe Candy Company | PNC | Protiviti | Quality Dining | Redberry | Redbull | Royal Restaurant Group | RSI | Schwans | Smithfield | Sobe Promos | Steve Lewis | Tasty King | Tronex | Veg Fresh | Venable | Verdeja de Armas | Vericast | Waste Coast Solutions | Welbilt