Our Supporters

Without the support of our dedicated franchisee partners, system vendors, employees, sponsors and restaurant guests, the Foundation would not be able to do the work that we do. In 2024, over $9.2 million was raised to support scholarships for high school students and employees throughout North America, literacy and education projects globally, and the BK Emergency Fund. With their help, we continue building opportunities for a better tomorrow for our communities.

In-Restaurant Fundraising

Each year, the Foundation holds signature in-restaurant fundraising campaigns to continue supporting our programs. Thanks to the generosity of our customers and the efforts of franchisee owners who motivate their employees, over $5.6 million was raised in 2024 through round-up, donation boxes and a coupon campaign across the U.S and Canada.

$100,000+ The King

Adam Velarde | Carrols LLC | Daniel B. Fitzpatrick |Gary K. Moore | Ghai Management  | Harold Wayne Burke | Kevin Fernandez | Luke Pisors |Sanjay Patel | Shoukat Dhanani | Thomas A. Garrett | Thomas M Scott

$50,000 - $100,000 Ruler in the Making

BK Company | Christopher Johnson | Emily Bennett | JSC Management | Kevin R. Newell | Steven M. Keith | Thomas McDonald

$25,000 - $50,000 Royal Supporter

Arthur S. Renuart | Christine Apold | Craig J. Timoney Jr. | Daniel M. Drury/Jordan Drury | Eric Weissman | Evan Wray | Gene A. Welsh Jr. | Glenn Levins | Greg Darby | Jay Della Monica  | Jeffrey P. Mc Collum  | Kevin Egnatuk  | Kuljeet Singh  | Larry W. Kohler  | Michael C. Laird  | Salim Janmohamed  | Stephen G. Miller | William N. Janikies

$10,000 - $25,000 Flame-Grilled Fundraiser

Abbott & Avard, LLC | Aliabadi | Annette Broatch | Antonio J. Vierci  | Diane L. Clayton  | Dominic A. Flis  | Gary Andrzejewski | Gary Geiger | Gary M. Edwards | Hugh E. Bigham Jr. | Joel Aaseby  | John J. Froccaro  | Justin White  | Kevin B. Camp/Gene B. Camp  | Kevin J. Haas  | Lawrence McAninch  | Merritt C. Fore III  | Michael J. Gould  | Michael Mulcahy | Mukesh Dharod  | PEC Management | Paul C. Scordia | Richard A. Santowski  | Robert H. Reid  | Robert L. Smith  | Robespierre St. Juste | Sanjay Lillaney  | Shennen S.C. Saltzman  | Stanley J. Paulauskas  | Stephen I. Morris  | William B Jones  | Zubair M. Kazi

$1,000 - $10,000 Rule Model

Aaron Smith | Albert Bijou | Alex Gouzoun | Anthony E. Lehmann | Anthony J. Versaci | Anthony Josephson | Anwar A. Dossani | Ayaz Virji | Bonnie Puneet Hemrajani | Bradley M. Hoag | Bruce Pavlikowski | Carlton R. Payton Jr. | Christopher Tokaz | Clifford E Bullard Jr. | Dalsher Nagra | David A. Laslow | David H. Pauly | Dawn M. Force | Dennis Shane Hitzeman/Dennis W. Hitzeman  | Eugene E. Brooks | Fazil Malik | Feroz Panjwani | Francesco Balli | Gary Giangrande | Gary L. Tiedeman | Hansa Chhaddva | Harvinder Singh | Herbert Hakimianpour | J. K. Johnson | Jacob Brummel |James J. Froio | Jason Froccaro | Javaid Syed | Jeffrey Lichtman | Joe Barrett | Joel Robert Bagby | John Jr. Barto | John R Pastor | Joseph Neubauer/Joseph R. Neubauer | Joshua M Herndon | Keith A. Wright | Kenneth Donahue | Ketan Pandya | Kim Zeller | Lawrence D. Stokes II | Marianela Aran | Mark Shayne Merrick | Maruti Seth | Maureen Marie Gathagan | Mehboob Amirali Sutaria | Michael De La Rosa | Michael V. Clayton | Mike Knoop | Muljibhai M Chaudhari | Neeraj Paul | Patti C. Martin | Paul Hendifar | Perry T. Beaton | Randy Pianin | Rex R. Johnson | Richard Lee Bartlett Jr. | Richard P. Mike | Richard Ronald | Richard W. Conley | Shirley Humerian | Simrat Aulakh | Stephen W. Dankert |Steve C. Wang |Syed K. Shere | Terry C. Clark | Terry Davis | Theodore J. Nunamaker | Thomas D. Barnett | Thomas E. Brennan | Timothy Foley | Vance Rossell | William J. Armstrong | William Lincoln Spoor |Yaseen Rowzani

Legacy Gifts

The Burger King Foundation’s 1954 Legacy Society encompasses philanthropic individuals and companies whose passion is empowering potential by making a lasting impact. With an investment of $25,000, these legacy supporters are impacting tomorrow’s scholars and lighting the way for future generations.

1954 Society Members

Anonymous Donor *1 | Anthony J. Versaci, Michigan Multi King | Brian Elliot, Sharron Fry, Redberry Restaurants | Dan Accordino, Carrols Corporation | Daniel B. Fitzpatrick, Quality Dining, Inc. | Dave Harper, Meridian Restaurants | Emily Bennett, Bennett Management | Glenn Levins, Phoenix Organization | Jim Froio, Froio Management | Joel Niekirk | Julian Josephson | Kimberly Hughes, Matt Wilson, 500 Degrees | Kraft Heinz | Matthew Carpenter, Celebration Regional Association | Members of Former Growth Committee | OSI Group, LLC | Patrick Sidhu | Patti C. Martin, Martin Family Endowment | Stanley Smiedt | Steven M. Lewis Family Foundation | Steven M. Lewis, US Restaurants, Inc. | Thomas McDonald, Glencoe Management | Todd A. Schuster, Schuster Enterprises, Inc.  

Legacy Gifts in Honor of

In Honor of Christy Williams | In Honor of George Hoffman | In Honor of Heitor Goncalves | In Honor of James L. Drury | In Honor of James M. Haas | In Honor of Jeneya Russo  | In Honor of Jim Meyers | In Honor of Kathy Caputo | In Honor of Martin Schuster | In Honor of Nancy McLamore | In Honor of Robert G. Bennett | In Honor of Rod Martin | In Honor of Steve M. Lewis


Last year, the Foundation secured a record amount of support from our system vendors, employees, in-kind supporters and franchisees through our special events. In 2023 alone, over $2 million was raised from sponsorships and live and silent auction items was supported further by record-breaking attendance that directly benefitted the Foundation.

500 Degrees | Accenture | ACP | Ambrosia | Auxilior Capital Partners | Barclays | Bill Keller | Bimbo QSR | Blackrock | Braze | Burger King | Burgers of Baltimore | Cargill | Carrols | Coca-Cola | Coca-Cola Canada | CraftMark Bakery | Crown Bakeries | Dhanani Group/ Tri City Foods | Dr. Pepper | Ecolab | Ernst & Young | Fifth Third Bank | Flowers Bakeries | Franke | GDK Development | Glencoe | Halo | Hersheys | Hourwork | Impossible | Kelley Drye & Warren LLP | KPMG | Kraft Heinz | Larkin Hoffman | The McLamore Family Foundation | Merkle/Dentsu | Miami Herald | Mike Diseveria | NFA/Elevanta | Northern Trust | OKRP | OSI | Pecan Deluxe Candy Company | PNC | Protiviti | Quality Dining | Redberry | Redbull | Royal Restaurant Group | RSI | Schwans | Smithfield | Sobe Promos | Steve Lewis | Tasty King | Tronex | Veg Fresh | Venable | Verdeja de Armas | Vericast | Waste Coast Solutions | Welbilt

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